Sales Jobs: Demystifying The Role of Sales 

Sales job

Sales jobs are one of the most demanding and challenging career options, and becoming a sales representative is not a piece of cake. With hundreds of phone calls, hustling leads, and time spent figuring out the perfect pitch, sales is a fast-paced career. Beyond incessant calling and convincing, sales jobs are about building human relationships, […]

Are College Grads Using Their Degrees? You Would Be Surprised!

In the last few years, the cost of college degrees has increased, leading to a student debt crisis and creating an environment of skepticism about the value of a college degree. Around half of adults in the U.S. do not see a college degree as an absolute necessity. Younger adults are more likely to view […]

The Six Job Seeker Qualities that Say “Take a Chance” on This Hire!

When you think of a perfect candidate for your open position, there is usually a long list of qualities you want to see. Often, work experience tops that list. While relevant work experience is an important skill, it is not the most crucial element to look for in your potential employee. A report by EmploymentCrossing […]